Tuesday 23 August 2011

Score 1 for mom

As this is my first official blog post  I feel a need to share a little bit more about life in my household

In its simplest form, life with 2 small children is a challenge.  In order to maintain some semblance of sanity I've instigated a daily routine which is obeyed without question, for the moment, by my offspring.  The most important rule is "mommy must first drink her coffee", cliché perhaps but my kids are fed, dressed, coiffed and there rooms are immaculate before we leave the house. I've hardly ever been late for any appointment and since I've had 2 years to master the art of juggling 2, I consider myself quite good at what I do.  We are continuously out and about taking apart in various free and not-so-free activities, we have play dates, park dates, picnics and so much more.  At the end of the day, we've played, laughed, fallen down a few times, dusted ourselves off even more times and have a fantastic and sometimes not so fantastic story to tell. 

This is my JOB!

I'm primarily responsible for raising 2 headstrong, hard working, dedicated but most importantly kind, polite and generous children.  It's not a job to be laughed at, I'm never done, I get no days off, no kid free holidays or weekends, I deal with puke, gob, other unmentionables, cuts, bruises, and most recently BURNS on a daily basis.  I've done all this and more because I'm their mom!

That's what us as moms do.  It doesn't mean I know all the answers, sometimes I can't even make out the question.  What it means, is I'm always here, I'm always available for a hug, a laugh or an answer even if I have to google or edit it.

It's a tricky job being a mom, sometimes we wonder if all our efforts sink in or get forgotten.  But I'm learning that everything goes in even if we don't think so. I reaped a great reward not so long ago, my husband asked my 4.5 year old what she wanted to be when she grew up.  Her answer, " a mommy".

Cause that's how I roll :D


1 comment:

  1. Yay at last the first entry!! I've been wondering what happened to your blog plans :)
